The virtual league 2020 kicked off with Bangor at home to Civil Service
We have 3 teams entered. Ballynafiegh, Civil Service and Bangor.
Co-ordinated and organised by our League controller Evan Elwood and Vice Controller Ciaran Rowan.
The teams battling for the league are:
- David Houston
- Robert Lavery
- Eoin Carey
- Paul McNaughton
- John O'Doherty
- Barney McGahan
- Kyle Milligan
- Jamie Corscadden
- Mitch Kee
10. Billy Jackson
11. Andy Boal
Home matches on Tuesday’s at 7:30pm
Civil Service
- David Blair
- Mark Newman
- Chris Kelly
- Chris Armstrong
- David Jackson
- Adrian Dornford-Smith
- Paul Anderson
Home matches on Wednesday’s at 7:30pm
- Michael Sheerin
- James O’Fee
- Andrew Todd
- Gary Johnston
- Mike McKimm
- Owen Wilson
- Geoff Sterrett
- George Gamble
Home matches on Thursday’s at 8:00pm
On Thursday Bangor (at home) played Civil Service.
Civil Service: Away | Bangor : Home | |||||||||
Board | Name | Lichess UserId | Rating | Result | Name | Lichess UserId | Rating | Game | ||
1 | W | David Blair | Manchester72 | 1577 | 1 - 0 | B | Michael sheerin | Rdwrer | 1614 | |
2 | B | Chris Kelly | chriskelly | 1534 | 1/2 - 1/2 | W | James O'Fee | JamesOFee | 1581 | |
3 | W | Chris Armstrong | pcmorphy | 1377 | 0 - 1 | B | Andrew Todd | Toddy-Aberdeen | 1370 | |
4 | B | David Jackson | jacko297 | 1288 | 0 - 1 | W | Mike Mckimm | meitnerium | 1192 | |
5 | W | Adrian Dornford-Smith | Dornford | 1259 | 1 - 0 | B | Gary Johnston | bluethecat | 1139 | |
6 | B | Paul Anderson | Number_8 | 895 | 1 - 0 | W | George Gamble | ChessGeorge13 | 640 | |
Its so good to have the league and slow chess back in action - although its still not as good as face to face battles.
Thanks to the League Controller and Vice League Controllers for organising this. If you wish to play slow chess - the Winter Tournament has started on Monday evenings. Email to play.
David Blair v Michael Sheerin - Board 1. White has played Ba3. I like Whites open position and development but this comes at the cost a a pawn sacrifice. |
David plays Ng5 with lots of pressure on e6 and f7. Blacks Kings Knight has gone and the Bishop is blocked. The Black King Castles into these pressures. |
Davids Queen comes across to weaken the Pawns in front of Blacks King First with Kd3 when Black pushes g6 followed by Qh3 prompting h5. |
At this point White has mate in 3. Its telling that Blacks Knight, Queen Rook and Queen Bishop have yet get into play whilst Whites pieces are all in the fight. |
James O'Fee v Chris Kelly - Board 2 Chris plans Nb6 - c5 to target support of d3. The recommendation is b4 pushing the Pawn majority. |
James played Qg3 - recommended was b4. Chris plays Kh8 James replies Qc3 and these moves are cycled and a draw agreed. |
Chris Armstrong v Andrew Todd : Board 3 Chris misses the threat of Nf4 winning the trapped Rook. Recommended move Rg2. Chris pushes g4 and looses the exchange after Andrew plays Nf4. |
At this point analysis suggests c4. Chris plays Kd2 and Andrew returns with bxc3+ bxc3. and goes on to win. |
Mike McKimm v David Jackson : Board 4 A possible turning point. Mike has missed Rc1 and plays Re4 whilst David might have played Nb5. Which would get rid of the Strong White Knight on d6 and possibly open up the c-file for a swap of pieces which means the R on e4 is misplaced. |
Mike has a good attack. David looses the exchange after playing 26... Ba6 27. Nxf6+ and then moves the Queen. Going on to win the game. |
Adrian Dornford-Smith v Gary Johnston : Board 5 Adrian misses a mating combination - Nf6 and Black cant stop Rxh7#. Adrian still went on to win - it took a further 6 moves to get the same mate. |
An interesting point in the game - White played Nxe5. Better would be fxe5 followed by Nd6 a beautiful Knight placing pressure on the f7 Square and attacking the Rook and hitting the b7 square. |
George Gamble v Paul Anderson : Board 6 Dont you love an endgame chase - both sides have pawns on the 7th rank. They push and swap pieces going into an endgame of Pawns v Knight and Pawn. |
Now the pawns start racing for the Queening square.Although Whites Knight is only a couple of moves from the Black Pawns - Ne6 frees the g7 square and stops c5. |
Both parties Queen. Paul went on to win. With checks from Queen he managed to remove the Knight. Then George made the mistake of taking Pauls pawn and falling to a Queen check skewer on his Queen. An exciting battle with advantages being swapped from side to side. |
Here Whites advantage drops off a cliff from +62 to 0. The only move is 65 Ne6 if c2 66. Nd4 c1(Q) 67. Nb3+ Kb2 68. Nxc1 and White Queens his pawn to win. |