Summer Tournament Week 2
Event details
from 05:30 PM to 09:00 PM
Contact Name
Contact Phone
Venue NICS,Maynard Sinclair Pavilion, Stormont, Upper Newtownards Road Belfast BT4 3TA
This second evening please arrive by 7:30pm. and we are in the Large Mac Room.
Starting Wednesday 2nd May 2018 and continuing every Wednesday
Apart from a free week : Weds 11th July.
Ending Wednesday 26th September 2018. Prize Giving and mini tournament.
Start Time for the draw 7:30 pm. The aim is to start each round at 7.45 pm sharp.
Format The tournament is flexible – players play whichever nights suit them with pairings being made on the evening. Players are usually paired with opponents within their own grading band but late comers may get a difficult draw or may not be paired – so please be prompt.
Time limit Each player gets 1 hour 30 minutes for the complete game.
Prizes will depend on number of entrants.There will be grading bands, again depending on entrants.
Entry Fee £20. Cheques payable to ‘Ulster Chess Union’.
Entries to Mark Newman, 50 Abbey Mount, Bangor, BT20 4DB. Telephone 07872544868. email:
1. Players must complete 10 games to be considered for prizes.
2. If a player does not play in two of the last three rounds they will be assumed to have played and lost 2 games. If they play only one then they will forfeit one game.
3. However if a player has played 14 or more games then they are exempt from rule 2.
4. Scores will be calculated on a percentage basis.
Controller Mark Newman