New Kid on the Block
A new club has certainly been established, styling themselves Belfast South. A bit presumptive though, calling them a "new kid" as the average age of members is ... erm ... slightly greater than 21. The club was formally established in September and is based in
The Agape Centre 238/266 Lisburn Road Belfast
Doors are now open every Monday night from 7:30pm with new members and visitors welcome.
The entrance is on the main Lisburn Road, its lit up like a beacon, on the left just past Tescos and just before you come to the PSNI Station at the corner of Adelaide Park. To enter the main door, press the disabled pad on the wall outside. The club is on the first floor in the Moonstone Room. There is a lift on the ground floor or walk up the stairs at the back.
The club has ambitions too. In a recent friendly match, a club team bested a Ballynafeigh Select team 5-2. Not surprisingly, the "new boys" are expected to field a strong team in this seasons Belfast & District League; led by the dynamic Martin Kelly, no doubt the team are expecting to make an serious impression on Division 1.
Club secretary Neil Green is also leading a flexible tournament to run from late October until March. More details and entry forms are available from Neil, at the club or via the event notice.