Ulster Fisher Random Championship 2023
7 rounds of Fisher Random Chess. Sunday 26th March at the Civil Service Pavilion.
Title | Type |
Ulster Fischer Random Rapidplay Championship 2023 | Event |
The first Ulster Fischer Random Championship took place on Sunday 26th March 2023 | News Item |
rd1-pos | Image |
rd2-pos | Image |
rd3-pos | Image |
rd4-pos | Image |
rd5-pos | Image |
rd6-pos | Image |
rd7-pos | Image |
rd3-1 | Image |
rd4-1 | Image |
rd4-2 | Image |
rd4-3 | Image |
rd4-4 | Image |
rd5-1 | Image |
rd5-2 | Image |
rd5-3 | Image |
rd5-4 | Image |
rd6-1 | Image |
rd6-2 | Image |
rd6-3 | Image |
rd6-4 | Image |
rd7-1 | Image |
rd7-2 | Image |
rd7-3 | Image |
rd7-4 | Image |
winners | Image |